Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the first beginning

i've made a few blogs in the past, but  i never kept up with them, nor do i remember the address to get back to them. so i thought i would start a new one and maybe try to keep up with it.  maybe it will help get some frustrations out and give me different understandings on things when i read them back to myself. 
there are so many different things i know i could blog about that i don't even know where to begin! so i guess the only thing i can think of to do is treat this like a diary i had when i was younger and just tell the world about how my day went, or maybe even my week. 
today started out not too horrible, the kids tried there usual acting out and taking their sweet time to get ready for school. but we got out the door on time and things looked up from there! i got to work and things were peachy until lunch time rolled around, and that's when deanna p. started her drama ( like the usual deanna) so from then on it was a struggle to keep my day going good! but i managed to do just fine :) i ate my lunch, put stock away and went on my day with a smile on my face! than i went to shelia's to discover a gorgeous hunk of  a man was asking about me :) but he was informed that i wasn't exactly free! that couldn't be more wrong! so i think i will make it my mission to let jeff know that there is no man in my life and i'm free to have my fun with anyone i want!